Alchemylab Articles, Wisdom Ancient
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Alchemical Theory
The One Thing (or the Subtle Ether)
Space, whether interplanetary, inner matter, or inter-organic, is filled with a subtle
presence emanating from the One Thing of the universe. Later alchemists called
it, as did the ancients, the subtle Ether. This primordial fluid or fabric of space
pervades everything and all matter. Metal, mineral, tree, plant, animal, man; each
is charged with the Ether in varying degrees. All life on the planet is charged in
like manner; a world is built up in this fluid and move through a sea of it.
Alchemical Ether, which some Hermeticists call the Astral Light, determines the
constitution of bodies. Hardness and softness, solidity and liquidity, all depend on
the relative proportion of ethereal and ponderable matter of which they me
composed. The arbitrary division and classification of physical science, the whole
range of physical phenomena, proceeds from the primary Ether, for science has
reduced matter as we know it to nothing but Ether, which, although not solid
matter, is still matter, the First Matter of the alchemists. When most of us speak
of matter, of course, we usually visualize solid substance, but it has been proved
by that matter is not actually solid, but merely a stress, a strain in the etheric field
of time and space. The atom and the electrons and protons of which it is
composed, all move in a sea of Ether, so, that in accordance with this theory of
alchemy, the very air we breathe, the very bodies we inhabit, all things most
likewise be moving in this sea of Ether, the parent element from which all
manifestation has come.
This principle that all things proceed from One Thing is demonstrable in the
realm of biology, for the multicellular organisms, complex as they may be in their
structure, nevertheless arise from a single cell. Science postulates that all matter
is composed of atoms; atoms, however, are composed of protons, neutrons, and
electrons, and those in turn composed of still finer components until we the
Ether. This Ether is.a universal connecting medium, filling all space to the
furthest limits, penetrating the interstices of the atoms without a break in its
continuity. So completely does it fill space that it is sometimes identified with
space itself, and has, in fact, been spoken of as Absolute Space.
"The Ether of space," according to physicist Sir Oliver Lodge, "is a theme of
unknown and apparently infinite magnitude and of a reality beyond the present
conception of man. It is that of which everyday material consists, a link between
the worlds, a consummate substance of overpowering grandeur. By a kind of
instinct, one feels it to be the home of spiritual existence, the realm of the awe-
inspiring. and supernal. It is co-extensive with the physical universe and is absent
from no part of space. Beyond the furthest star the Ether extends, in the heart of
the atom it has its being. It permeates and controls and dominates all. It eludes
the human senses and can only be envisaged by the powers of the mind. Yet the
Ether is a physical thing; it is not a physical entity, yet it has definite properties. It
is not matter any more than hydrogen and oxygen are water, but it is the vehicle
of both matter and spirit."
Now, the alchemist has divided matter, seen and unseen, into seven principles or
planes, and of these the fifth principle, or Quintessence, corresponds to science's
Ether or in more contemporary parlance, the Space-Time Continuum. If we are
willing to admit that there is some truth in this relationship of ideas, then we may
begin to see that alchemy is based on absolute law. All the forces of our
scientists have originated in the Vital Principle, that one collective life. Our life is
a part of, or rather one of the aspects of, the One Universal Life.
The Archaeus
During a person's life, there is present a finely diffused form of matter, a vapor
filling not merely every part of his physical body but actually stored in some parts;
a matter constantly renewed by the vital chemistry; a matter as easily disposed of
as the breath, once the breath has served its purpose. Paracelsus named this
First Matter of life the Archaeus, meaning the oldest principle. "The Archaeus is
an essence that is equally distributed in all parts of the human body," he wrote.
Spiritus Vitae
(Spirit of Life) takes its origin from the
Spiritus Mundi
(Spirit of
the Universe). Being an emanation of the latter, the Archaeus contains the
elements of all cosmic influences and is therefore the cause by which the action
of the cosmic forces act upon the body."
The Archaeus is of a magnetic nature and is not enclosed in a body but radiates
within and around it like a luminous sphere. Alchemy and alchemy alone, within
the current historical epoch, has succeeded in obtaining a real element, or a
particle of homogeneous matter. This is the true
Mysterium Magnum.
By this
age-old science the alchemist may set free this Vital Principle in his laboratory,
destroy the body of the metal on which he is working, purify its Salt, and
reassemble its principles together in a higher form. The alchemical process,
which is, after all, but a miniature reproduction of a superior process in operation
around us all the time, undoubtedly proceeds from Master Intelligences who have
lived at some time or another on our earth.
The Scientific Approach
It is a pity that science must always reject old ideas and cast them away as
useless before rediscovering them as something new to be incorporated into
current theories. To discard the alchemist's theories is about as intelligent as to
dismiss as rubbish Einstein's Theory of Relativity merely because one does not
happen to understand his language. Some of our scientists have realized this for
a long time. F. Hoefer in
Histoire de la Chimie
(Paris 1866) remarked: "The
systems that confront the intelligence must remain basically unchanged through
the ages, although they assume different forms [depending on the age and
culture of man]. Thus, through mistaking form for basic truth, one conceives of an
erroneous sequence. We most remember that there is nothing so disastrous in
science as the arrogant dogmatism that despises the past and admires nothing
but the present innovation."
If scientists would try to understand the conception of the universe as taught by
Hermeticism (the Perennial Philosophy) throughout the ages, taking as its
starting-point the teaching of the One Mind in Manifestation; its seven planes of
consciousness; its infinite archetypal forces, and as the basis of its philosophy
the Emerald Tablet axiom "As Above, so Below," it would create a lasting system
of understanding based on eternal Truth instead of on a quicksand of egocentric
theories. Science will never really understand the truth about life until it reaches
this realization. Such a realization cannot be attained through its instruments and
appliances but only through the inner powers of the mind.
The Quintessence
Paracelsus noted: "Nothing of true value is located in the body of a substance,
but in the virtue thereof, and this is the principle of the Quintessence, which
reduces, say 20 lbs. of a given substance into a single Ounce, and that ounce far
exceeds the 20 lbs. in potency. Hence the less there is of body, the more in
proportion is the virtue thereof."
"The Magi in their wisdom asserted that all creatures might be brought to one
unified substance," he continued, "which may by purification and purgation, attain
to so high a degree of subtlety, such divine nature and Hermetic property, as to
work wonderful results. For they considered that by returning to the Earth, and by
a supreme and magical separation, a certain perfect substance would come
forth, which is at length, by many industrious and prolonged preparations, exalted
and raised up above the range of vegetable substances into mineral, above
mineral into metallic, and above perfect metallic substances into a perpetually
alive and divine Quintessence. The evolutionary perfection includes within itself
all celestial and terrestrial creatures." By this Quintessence or
quintum esse,
Paracelsus meant the nucleus of the essences and properties of
all things in the universal world.
From the
Golden Casket
of Benedictus Figulus comes the following wisdom: "For
the elements and their compounds in addition to crass matter, are composed of a
subtle substance, or intrinsic radical humidity, diffused through the elemental
parts, simple and wholly incorruptible, long preserving the things themselves in
vigor and called the Spirit of the World, proceeding as it does from the Soul of the
World. This is the one certain Life filling and fathoming all things, so that from the
three emanations of sentient beings (Intellectual, Celestial, and Corruptible),
there is formed the One Machine of the Whole World. This spirit by its virtue
fecundates all subjects natural and artificial, pouring into them those hidden
properties that we have been want to call the Fifth Essence, or Quintessence.
But this Fifth Essence is created by the Almighty for the preservation of the four
qualities of the human body, even as, Heaven is for the preservation of the
Universe. Therefore is this Fifth Essence and Spiritual Medicine, which is of
Nature and the Heart of Heaven and not of a mortal and corrupt quality, makes
life possible. The Fount of Medicine, the preservation of life, the restoration of
health, and in this may be the cherished renewal of lost youth and serene health
be found."
Have a Question About Alchemy or Personal
If you have a question about any aspect of alchemy, just
Ask the
(These questions are answered by Master Alchemists who have graduated from the Alchemy
Home Study Program.)
I have a theoretical question for you. If Grail energy was
manifest, what was the potential for power that made the ancient
alchemists destroy, hide, or code their work? How would that apply to a
modern setting? If you had the Grail in front of you, how would you use
it? - <
The Grail energy for the alchemists was associated with the
First Matter, a kind of formless energy/matter/light that had almost
unimaginable potential. You have to realized that this was a very real
concept for them; they thought it had a physical form that manifested
sometimes as balls of light, phantom vessels, or even as creatures like
unicorns. This is the fundamental and most secret concept in alchemy.
All I may say is that I too have seen it; I too know it is real. And
its power is greater than anything we now have in our science, though
we are approaching an understanding of it in the equation of the
universe (E=MC
). Knowing this and seeing this, however, has not made me
any greater personally. In other words my ego, is not involved. Do you
remember the crucial question in the Grail myths -- Whom does the Grail
serve? It serves the King is the answer. It serves the King, not me.
I'm reading THE EMERALD TABLET, which I'm finding
fascinating. I don't know anything about alchemy; this is the first
book I've read on it. On page 47 of the book there is a quote, "look in
the deepest of your wounds, for there lies the gold of your being."
What does that mean? Also, here is one of my favorite poems. I don't
know who wrote it, but it reminds me of what I'm reading in THE EMERALD
Tell a wise person or else keep silent, for those who do not understand
will mock it right away.
I praise what is truly alive, what longs to be burned to death
in the
calm waters of the love nights, where you were begotten, where you have
A strange silence comes over you,
as you watch the silence and the
Now you are no longer caught in the obsession with darkness, and the
desire for high lovemaking sweeps you upward.
Distance does not make you falter: Now arriving in the magic,
flying, and finally insane for the light.
You are a butterfly and you are gone.
And so long as you have not experienced this, to die and so to grow,
you are only a troubled guest on the dark earth.
What a beautiful poem! If you ever think of the author, let me
know. As for your question, the idea that the gold of our being
accumulates in the deepest of our wounds means that our innocence, our
true being, is a fragile thing, a truly golden presence that is
somewhat shocked by the harshness of the world, and once wounded it
gives up a part of itself. To really understand this, you might think
of a child, who hurt by some action, event, or even slight of tongue
retreats into itself for refuge. It does not mean that the child has
lost that part of him- or herself. It just means they have buried it or
hidden it away to protect so it is no longer "exposed." The source of
the pain may go away, but the feelings are still buried. Those feelings
carry tremendous energy, and through the alchemical process of
Dissolution we can retrieve that energy to fuel our transformation to
create a new self, true to our essence, that does not have to be hidden
I was wondering if you have or will someday have a chat room
where alchemists can connect in real time and share info with each
other? -
You're in luck! I have just agreed to host a regular Internet
chat room devoted to alchemy and personal transformation. It is a
chance to share your questions and gain insight into alchemical methods
no matter what your level of expertise. We will also discuss personal
transformation and the meaning of mystical and paranormal experiences.
The two-hour discussion starts at 9:00 PM EST (or 8:00 CST/ 7:00 MST/
6:00 PST) on alternate Saturdays. It is hosted by the ADC Project
website, which is devoted to counseling people who have questions about
transpersonal experiences. To join the discussion, go to ADC chat rooms
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