Aloka Ultrasound Probe Compatibility Statement KMF 4616, Artykuły z zakresu dezynfekcji, Procedury i metody ...

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//-->COMPATIBILITY STATEMENTALOKA ULTRASOUND PROBESPlease note, the information contained in this document relates to ultrasoundtransducers used in conjunction with Aloka scanners only. For ultrasoundtransducers supplied with the Terason t3000, please refer to the disinfectantcompatibility statement dedicated to this system.Olympus KeyMed is unable to make any recommendations in relation to the microbiologicalefficacy of a disinfection/sterilisation solution or process – this should be investigated andreviewed by the hospital’s Infection Control Committee or equivalent authority in conjunctionwith other relevant hospital departments, including the user group, risk management teamand health & safety advisor.Improvements in user safety and the reduction of patient infection risks are clearly worthwhileobjectives. These cannot, however, be introduced without recognising that the disinfectantprocess or solution manufacturer has an obvious responsibility for ensuring instruments arenot damaged by the process. Any change in disinfection policy must, therefore, address theissue of compatibility with the relevant medical devices. This need was first recognised inthe MDA Safety Notice SN 9619, published in July 1996, on “Compatibilityof MedicalDevices and their Accessories and Reprocessing Units with Cleaning, Disinfection andSterilising Agents”.In this document, the MDA expressed the importance of ensuringcompatibility of the chosen decontamination regime with existing medical devices. This hasmore recently been superseded by SN 2001(28) “Compatibilityof Medical Devices andReprocessing Equipment with Decontamination Agents”.With this background, the following information is provided in relation to compatibility ofvarious disinfectants with Aloka ultrasound probes. Please always refer to the instructionswhich are supplied with each probe, for full details on which parts of the probe can beimmersed in fluid – note, the probe electrical connector should not be exposed to fluid, as itis not waterproof.Please note that this compatibility statement is routinely updated therefore please contactOlympus KeyMed to ensure you have the latest version.This document is routinely updated therefore to ensure you have the latest versionplease contact Olympus KeyMed, Customer Services.(01702) 616333KMF 4616May 2009Issue 21 of 23COMPATIBILITY STATEMENTALOKA ULTRASOUND PROBES1.ADASPORAdaspor is a peracetic acid based disinfectant manufactured in Italy by IMS srl andmarketed in the UK by PuriCore/Sterilox Endoscopy. Field experience with thissolution is very limited, but as its chemical make-up is similar to other availabledisinfectants, cosmetic effects may be noted to alloy, plastics and rubbers. Nocompatibility testing has yet been undertaken by Aloka in Japan, but at this timeOlympus KeyMed has no plans to introduce restrictions on the provision of servicecontracts, instrument warranties or loan equipment for users of Adaspor.For further information, contact:PuriCore/Sterilox EndoscopyWolseley HouseStaffordshire Technology ParkBeaconsideStaffordST18 0GATel: 01785 782420Web: www.puricore.com2.ADAPTACIDE PAACWe have recently been advised by Advanced Sterilization Products of their intentionto introduce a new peracetic acid solution called Adaptacide PAAC. We understandthat this product has been available in France under a different product name formore than two years. As with all peracetic acid products, some cosmetic effects maybe noted to alloy, plastics and rubbers.This solution has not been tested by Aloka in Japan, and therefore does not appearon the listing of compatible agents. Use of this solution will not at this time result inrestrictions on service contracts or the provision of loans.3.ALCOHOL WIPESProbes should not be immersed in alcohol, since long-term contact can causedeterioration of components. Similarly, Olympus KeyMed has been advised by Alokathat repeated use of alcohol wipes may lead to damage to the acoustic lens andsome of the resins utilised. Alcohol wipes should therefore not be used with Alokaprobes.KMF 4616May 2009Issue 22 of 23COMPATIBILITY STATEMENTALOKA ULTRASOUND PROBES4.ANIOXYDE 1000ANIOXYDE 1000, manufactured by Laboratoires Anios, has undergone an evaluationby Aloka with a number of its current range of ultrasound probes. As a result of thistesting, Aloka has confirmed that this solution is compatible with the probes listedbelow in Table 1. Questions related to ANIOXYDE 1000 should be directed to themanufacturer:Laboratoires AniosPavé de Moulin59260 Lille-HellemmesFranceTel: +03 20 67 67 67Fax: +03 20 67 67 68Web:www.anios.netTable 1 – ANIOXYDE 1000 Compatible ProbesKMF 4616May 2009Issue 23 of 23COMPATIBILITY STATEMENTALOKA ULTRASOUND PROBES5.APERLANAperlan is a peracetic acid formulation introduced by Lancer UK. It has not beentested by Aloka, so does not appear on the listing of compatible agents. Althoughthis solution is not included by Aloka on the list of compatible products, use of thissolution will not, at this time, result in restrictions on service contracts, guarantees orthe provision of loans although, again, minor cosmetic changes are likely to resultfrom its use.For further information, contact:Lancer UK Ltd1 Pembroke AvenueWaterbeachCambridge CB5 9QRTel: 01223 861665Fax: 01223 861990Web: OPAJohnson & Johnson’s replacement for Cidex 14-day is called Cidex OPA, an ortho-phthalaldehyde. This solution has undergone an evaluation by Aloka with a numberof its current range of ultrasound probes. As a result of this testing, Aloka has drawnup a list of transducers for which Cidex OPA has been listed as a compatibledisinfectant agent – please refer to Table 2.Users should be aware that some cosmetic effects may be observed when using thissolution, although functionality was not affected during testing.For further information, contact J & J Advanced Sterilization Products.KMF 4616May 2009Issue 24 of 23COMPATIBILITY STATEMENTALOKA ULTRASOUND PROBESTable 2 – Cidex 0PA Compatible ProbesASU-1001ASU-1002ASU-1003ASU-1005ASU-1009ASU-1010ASU-1011ASU-1012ASU-35B-5ASU-66UST-5024N-3.5UST-5037P-3.5UST-5039P-3.5UST-5043P-3.5UST-5044-3.5UST-5045-3.5UST-5046-3.5UST-5047-5UST-52102UST-52103UST-52104UST-52108UST-52109UST-52110SUST-52111SUST-52114PUST-5226D-3.5/2UST-5236D-2.5/2UST-5242D-2.5/2UST-5244-3.5UST-5246S-5UST-5247-5UST-5255-2.5UST-5256-3.5UST-5257-5UST-5258-5UST-5263D-2.5/2UST-5265-2.5UST-5266-3.5UST-5267-5UST-5268P-5UST-5271S-5UST-5274-2.5UST-5275-3.5UST-5276-5UST-5277-5UST-5279-3.5UST-5280-5UST-5281-5UST-5283-2.5UST-5284-2.5UST-5285-3.5UST-5286-2.5UST-5287-3.5UST-5290-5UST-5292-5UST-5293-5UST-5294-5UST-5297UST-5298UST-5299UST-533UST-534UST-536UST-5410UST-5411UST-5412UST-547UST-5512U-7.5UST-5514DTU-7.5UST-5515-7.5UST-5521L-7.5UST-55231-7.5UST-5524-5UST-5524-7.5UST-5526L-7.5UST-5531UST-5534T-7.5UST-5536-7.5UST-5538-7.5UST-5539-7.5UST-5540P-7.5UST-5542UST-5543UST-5545UST-5546UST-5548UST-5561-7.5UST-556T-7.5UST-556TU-7.5UST-5710-7.5UST-5711-7.5UST-5712UST-5713TUST-574T-7.5UST-575-7.5UST-576T-5UST-577-7.5UST-579T-7.5UST-5813-5UST-5813N-5UST-5818-5UST-5819T-5UST-5820-5UST-5871-5UST-587T-5UST-588U-5UST-657-5UST-660-7.5UST-664-5/7.5UST-665P-5UST-666-5/7.5UST-667P-5UST-669-5/7.5UST-670P-5UST-672-5/7.5UST-675PUST-676PUST-677PUST-9101-7.5UST-9103-5UST-9104-5UST-9111-5UST-9112-5UST-9113P-3.5UST-9114-3.5UST-9115-5UST-9116P-5UST-9118UST-9119UST-9120UST-9121UST-9123UST-9124UST-9125-7.5UST-9126UST-9127UST-9130UST-9133UST-932-5UST-932-7.5UST-934N-3.5UST-935N-5UST-945B-5UST-945BP-5UST-952-5UST-953P-5UST-954-5UST-957-7.5UST-961-5UST-961-7.5UST-962-5UST-964P-5UST-968P-5UST-969-5UST-970-7.5UST-972-3.5UST-974-5UST-975-7.5UST-977-5UST-978-3.5UST-980-5UST-980P-5UST-981-5UST-981P-5UST-984.5UST-984P-5UST-985-7.5UST-987-7.5UST-988-2.5UST-989-3.5UST-989D-3.5UST-990-5UST-992-5UST-994P-5UST-995-7.5UST-996P-5UST-MC11-8731KMF 4616May 2009Issue 25 of 23 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
